Project SXSW Bloggers Guide
Design studio in Austin, Texas
Services Provided:
- Technical consulting and strategy
- Multi-disciplinary collaboration
- Frontend engineering
- Responsive HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Custom HTML5 media player

Showcase the upcoming South By Southwest (SXSW) Music Festival performers in a highly available online immersive experience.

I collaborated with studio designers, project managers, CMS integrators, and API engineers to deliver a polished multimedia user experience allowing festival attendees to explore and discover hundreds of musical artists performing in the upcoming festival.
On-time and on-budget delivery of a single page multimedia catalog that’s synchronized in real time via API integration.
Immersive multimedia interface allowing continuous music streaming throughout browsing session.
Users can “like” artists, share posts to various social networks, and sort the catalog by artist, blogger, genre, and recently viewed items.